Sunday, January 3, 2016

Who's Baking YOUR Bread??

Cooking shows are very popular on TV these days.  I am always amazed at how often a chef will taste their dish in the process of cooking and preparing to serve the diners.  In a cooking show I was watching yesterday, the chef tasted her sauce and said to the moderator, "You are going to thank me when you taste this dish". It seems to me that a good chef must like the food they are preparing and probably food in general.

On the contrary, have you had coffee made by a 'non coffee drinker'?  Rarely is it a good cup of coffee.

Baking bread is the same thing - a bread baker should like to eat bread.

Tasting tells you when it's right - crust, crumb and taste.   Experience in baking hundreds of loaves tells the baker what the effects of variables are on the final result.  Bake too long or too short; too hot or not hot enough; too much water or not enough; too much yeast or not enough and how size of the loaf affects the baking time and so on.

Make sure your baker likes - no - loves bread.

By the way - I love to eat the breads I bake.  I love it fresh.  I love it toasted.  I love it in sandwiches. And, I love it with butter.

I love bread.

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