Tuesday, January 19, 2016

For Better and for Worse - Making Bread in Victorian England

Making Bread in Victorian England.

The BBC has created a series in which 4 experienced bakers are placed into bakery houses  from the Victorian era.  They seem to spend a little time in each era, from the rural bakery where they feed 50 people to a bakery in an industrial area where they feed 90 people and try to cut costs.  They work with historians who guide them as to materials and methods that were normal for the time being illustrated.  The bakers have the luxury to reflect on their 'job satisfaction level' as they try to make bread with inferior products or additives meant to extend the flour.  Interesting social issues illustrated as well.

I am not sure how many episodes there will be - but here are youtube videos of the first two.

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

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