Saturday, February 20, 2016

Rosemary Garlic Wow

Subtle Garlic.  Smooth and light Rosemary.  Flavors made for each other.  Blended in a creamy dough right from the oven.  Oh - and those chunks of garlic and here and there a whole clove - garlic with flavor softened by baking.  Soft crumb with crispy crust and sweet baked garlic.

That's the Rosemary Garlic Artisan Bread.
Pictures don't do it justice.

Pictures don't show the softness of the crumb

Pictures don't show the subtle smell of garlic and rosemary

Pictures don't show the crispness of the crust

Only a loaf of Fresh Fresh Bread can show the crumb, crust and taste of the bread.

My Fresh Bread Company's breads are prepared over 24 hours or more so the flour, water, salt and yeast ferment and, in this case, the garlic chunks permeate the dough.  Each loaf is baked individually and tested individually for doneness and then cooled to complete the baking process.  The immediate result is a crispy outer shell and a soft and tasty crumb. In this case, that crumb is infused with the flavors of dried rosemary and pieces of garlic cloves.

A simple pleasure.

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