Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Real Whole Wheat?

We talk about 'whole wheat bread' - which contains about 30-40% whole wheat flour to total flour (by weight) and informed people question the 'goodness' of that same whole wheat flour.  They question the process which separates the germ and bran from the part that is ground to make the white flour - and then re assemble it (without the germ) to make the whole wheat flour as needed.  And, where the germ was added back, they question whether it spoils in the time between milling and use in baking.  I read that there are only 7 to 30 days until the oil in the germ spoils unless the flour is refrigerated or frozen.  After this time period, the supposed goodness is gone.

Coarse Ground Whole White Wheat - 1/3 cup
But, whole wheat can also be consumed in a cereal.  Coarse ground wheat, properly preserved or eaten while fresh, DOES contain all the goodness of the whole wheat berry.  I say coarse ground because fine ground wheat would result in a flour that, when hot water is added, result in a paste which would hardly be edible in that form.  And, I say coarse ground rather than cracked, because I have the wherewithal to make coarsely ground wheat, but not cracked wheat.

Imagine a bowl of properly preserved fresh coarsely ground wheat (about 1/3 cup) covered with boiling water and then microwaved for about 30 seconds and sweetened with a teaspoon of your favorite sweetener.  Let it sit for a couple minutes so the hard wheat is softened by the hot water - and so that the entire bowl can cool down to an edible temperature.

What do you get?  You get the whole wheat berry with all the goodies preserved.  The germ - fresh.  The bran and the endosperm.  here's a link explaining the 'parts of a grain of wheat' http://www.wheatmontana.com/farm-table/whole-grain-health

I eat a bowl with about 1/3 cup - and it not only holds me for the morning, but I am not really hungry at lunch.  No bloating or discomfort, just a very satisfied feeling.

I keep the coarse ground wheat in our pantry (no refrigeration) but try to only make enough to last for the week - 4 servings or so.

Interested in some?  Let me know with an email at MyFreshBreadCompany@gmail.com

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