Friday, April 7, 2017


What does yeast (commercial or natural) do?   It infects the dough.  The bacteria that is the yeast, moves from its bounds into the rest of the dough - multiplying and eating and multiplying and eating.  If the gluten is ready, then it will catch the gasses  that are expelled as the yeast eats and multiplies and , and, and.

What does this mean to me - you say?

That means that although you can overwhelm the flour/water neighborhood with the yeast invaders - and have dough to bake in a short time (maybe an hour), you can also use much less of the yeast invaders to slowly eat and multiply and eat and multiply and they will overwhelm the neighborhood of flour and water - but not so fast.  And, the longer they spend eating and multiplying, the more gas they spew out - which means that they make more flavor from the fermenting dough and less flavor of the yeast itself.

Try mixing up a batch of dough (fairly small) say 100 g of each flour and just a tiny pinch of yeast (we will add the salt later). Mix the dry items together and then add 100g of water (it's not much).

Now, cover it loosely (maybe with a cotton towel, and set it aside.  Take a look at it in 12 hours.  What do you have?   if not a bubbly goo - give it another 8-12 hours (depending on your schedule).

If it is not bubbly - make sure your yeast is good.

If it is bubbly, add another 200g of flour and another 80g of water (the dough will become stiffer).  Still hold off on salt and let the mix 'work'.

Take a look after 12 hours - and you should have a working dough (if not, let it sit for another 8-12 hours (depending on your schedule) and it should be going.

Now, you can add some salt - about 9g and mix it in with your hands (as though kneading the dough) and then form it into a loaf.   Let it sit an hour while it rises - and pre heat the oven in the last 30 minutes.

Well - how did it do?

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