Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Exercises in Dough (bread dough - not money) #1

Now that you are prepared with Flour, Salt, Yeast - and have been saving water AND you have made at least two batches of bread from scratch (other than the class),  using the same ingredients, here is

Exercise #1

In a container (probably 3 qt+)  that you can set aside for 3 days out of the way, away from any source of heat and away from any source of drafts  add:
1 cup of flour
1/2 cup of room temp water
Stir to incorporate water and get all flour in the cracks and corners damp.
Loosely cover
set aside for at least 24 hours - up to 36 hours.

In 24 hours - or so
A)  note change in texture
B)  note smell
C) admire that you 'created life' from dry powder (and they said that there wasn't anything good in white flour).  And, note that this was done with NO yeast.  Speculate on what happened.  hmmm.
D)  Complete your basic recipe which means
1/2 cup water
1-1/2 cup flour
1 tsp kosher salt (but you could use table salt)
3/4  tsp yeast (whatever kind you have)

Mix (and incorporate that blob you created earlier and these new ingredients).

Set aside for another 10-24 hours

After second waiting period, dump onto floured surface.  Form into a ball (noting lighter texture), place on cookie sheet and let it rise to double in size (40-90 minutes) covered with oiled plastic wrap or other non sticky stuff.

Place in preheated oven at 425ยบ for 30 minutes.  Remove and cool.

You should taste a more flavorful bread.  That flavor comes from your soaker fermenting on its own - but you can take credit for it.  You created a poolish.  A poolish is a 'pre ferment'.  You have allowed the flour and water to ferment, to develop the enzymes in the flour and then to infect the rest of the flour and water with those enzymes for more flavor and for a change in the overall keep ability of the bread.  This method takes more time, but it's up to you to decide whether it is worth it.

Remember, the 3 dry ingredients and 1 wet plus Time and Temperature.  This time we played with Time.  In the next Exercise will play with Temperature (but you will need a probe thermometer).

Insert your observations and comments below.

When you are ready for another Exercise in Breadmaking - look for Exercise #2 (or email me at breadbydan@gmail.com).

Good Baking BGLs

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