Thursday, December 22, 2016

Fresh Bread.

 Better stated - eating fresh bread with butter. 
 Tonites varieties were Serrano/Cheddar and Honey Wheat. After "scaling" or sizing the raw dough for my neighbors, I had about a half pound of each - so I put them in a basket together to rise, and then, when all others had been baked, this 'combo loaf' had its turn in the oven. 
It cooled during dinner but called to me when I was in the kitchen putting the bread in the oven for tomorrows LTN feed at the park.

Soft. Not very crusty. Delightful. The Honey/Wheat had a bit of crunch from the cracked wheat, but was mostly soft. The Pepper/Cheese looked a little scary - with the somewhat big slices of serrano looking back at me. But, once buttered, the crumb was soooo soft and a little tangy.

Fresh bread is a delight. I think it is a true gift from God. Flour, water yeast and a little salt and in this case, some honey and cracked wheat in one, and some serrano pepper and sharp cheddar in the other. Simple. Tasty. Glorious

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