Thursday, December 17, 2015

How Big is a Loaf?

Loaf Size - Our standard loaf size is approximately 1 pound - primarily because my “test group” said that they would rather have a smaller loaf than the larger one produced (about 1.5 pounds).  
Why?  Isn’t Bigger Better?  - I wondered that.  Over about 6 months of testing (as I worked out the recipes and techniques for the various flavors), these people received lots of breads - sometimes a half loaf and more recently a whole loaf.  They gave me constructive criticism about the crumb, crust and flavor,  and generally,  that they loved super fresh bread.  BUT, most of these ‘testers’ said that they tended to sit down and eat half the loaf when they received it. The bigger the loaf, the more they ate.  
I haven’t done the math, but my visual analysis tells me that a 1.5 pound loaf is about 2x the exterior size as a 1 pound loaf - it is visually much bigger.  That said, there are many factors that impact physical size  of the loaf of which the amount of raw dough is only one.  But, the a big factor in loaf size is the amount of rise (represented by captured CO2) - or air pockets. But, a pound of bread is a pound of bread without regard to the dimensions.  But, my point is that if it looks twice as big, check the weight.     
Well - what about eating too much bread?   My advice:  Don’t eat too much - of anything.  How much bread is too much for you?  That’s your decision.  I use the bread for toast, sandwiches and along with meals.  I love a slice from a freshly baked loaf (with butter mostly), and yes, I generally have an abundant supply and yes, some goes to waste.  Remember, there are no preservatives added to the dough, so it isn’t going to last as long and .  No oils or fats sugars added (aside from what’s on the label for specific varieties, cheese, molasses and honey, for example).  But, the flour itself has calories and carbs - yes … that’s bread for you.  

So, what do I recommend??  
  • Buy no more than you will reasonably consume in 3 days.  While it well may last beyond 3 days, you will be ready for a fresh loaf at that time - and maybe a different variety.  FWIW - when you buy a loaf at a grocery store or bakery brick and mortar store - it probably came out of the oven 8 or more hours earlier.  Fresh is relative.  You will see the Fresh/Fresh difference - but know that the next morning, it will probably be as good as what you would buy at the store later that day.  
  • Please enjoy some of the bread when it arrives.  They say that it declines in quality beginning about 2 hours after it cools from the oven.  
  • Eat bread responsibly (just like you would donuts, cookies, chips, etc).  Fresh Bread tastes really good when you receive it.  Know yourself and don’t tempt yourself with more (size and frequency) than you and your household should eat.  
Bottom line - No - I am not your mom.  It’s up to you. But, that’s why the loaves are sized as one pound units.  
IF you think you might want several bigger loaves for a family event or party, please email me at and let’s see if I can help you out.  

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